difficoltà: avanzato
I termini più complessi, usati e conosciuti dai bitcoiner più esperti
Argomento: tecnologia
- Adaptor signatures
- addr v2
- Address reuse Riutilizzo dell'indirizzo
- Air-gapping
- AMP (Atomic Multipath Payment) Pagamento multipercorso atomico
- Anchor channel
- Anchor outputs
- Anti-Exfil
- Asicboost
- ASN (Autonomous System Number) Sistema autonomo di rete
- Asset Universe
- assume valid
- AssumeUTXO
- Atomic Swap
- Atomicals
- bare multisig
- Base Fee
- Base32
- Base58
- Base64
- Batching
- Bech32
- Bech32m
- BFT (Byzantine Fault Tolerance)
- BIP (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal)
- BIP 112 CSV (Check Sequence Verify)
- BIP 113 Median time-past
- BIP 119 (CTV) (Check Template Verify)
- BIP 125 (RBF) (Replace-by-Fee)
- BIP 129 (BSMS Bitcoin Secure Multisig Setup)
- BIP 141 (Segregated Witness)
- BIP 155 (addrv2 message)
- BIP 16 (P2SH) (Pay-to-Script-Hash)
- BIP 173 Bech32
- BIP 174 (PSBT) (Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction Format) Formato di transazione Bitcoin parzialmente firmato
- BIP 179 (Name for payment recipient identifiers) Nome per gli identificatori del destinatario del pagamento
- BIP 21 (URI scheme)
- BIP 32 (HD Wallet)
- BIP 322 Generic Signed Message Format
- BIP 324 (Version 2 P2P Encrypted Transport Protocol)
- BIP 325 Signet
- BIP 340 (Schnorr Signatures)
- BIP 341 (Taproot)
- BIP 342 (Tapscript)
- BIP 38 (Passphrase-protected private key)
- BIP 39 (Mnemonic Phrases)
- BIP 44 (Derivation Paths for P2PKH)
- BIP 47 (Reusable Payment Codes for HD Wallets)
- BIP 48 (Multi-Script Hierarchy for Multi-Sig Wallets)
- BIP 49 (Derivation Paths for Wrapped Segwit)
- BIP 68 nSequence
- BIP 69 (Lexicographical Indexing of Transaction Inputs and Outputs)
- BIP 70 payment protocol
- BIP 8 (SFA) (Soft Fork Activation)
- BIP 84 (Derivation Paths for Native Segwit)
- BIP 85 (Deterministic Entropy From BIP32 Keychains)
- BIP 86 (Key Derivation for Single Key P2TR Outputs)
- BIP 9 (SFA) (Soft Fork Activation)
- BIP352 silent payments
- BitDNS
- bLIP (Bitcoin Lightning Improvement Proposal)
- Block header
- block storm tempesta di blocchi
- block template
- Block Weight Peso del blocco
- BLS signature (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham signature)
- BOLT (Basis of Lightning Technology)
- BOLT11
- BOLT12
- BRC-721
- BRC-721E
- Byzantine Generals’ Problem Problema dei generali bizantini
- Cashu
- Change Output Output di resto
- Channel jamming
- CISA (Cross-Input Signature Aggregation) Aggregazione di firme tra input incrociati
- closing transaction
- CLTV (Check Lock Time Verify)
- Coinjoin
- Coinswap
- Cold channel
- Colored Coins
- commitment transaction
- Consensus cleanup soft fork
- Cooldown
- Counterparty
- covenant
- CPFP (Child pays for parent)
- CPFP carve out
- CSV (protocols) (Client-Side Validation) validazione lato cliente
- CTLC (Covenant Time Locked Contract)
- Dark Skippy
- datacarrier
- DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service)
- Delegation Delega
- Derive Derivare
- DFCA (Dual Funded Channel Agreements)
- DHKE (Diffie–Hellman Key Exchange)
- Digest
- DLC (Discreet Log Contract) Contratti a Registro Discreto
- drivechain
- Dual funding
- ECash
- ECC (Elliptic-Curve Cryptography) Crittografia a curva ellittica
- ECDH (Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman ) Curva Ellittica Diffie-Hellman
- ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) Algoritmo di firma digitale a curva ellittica
- Edge liquidity
- EIP-1559
- Eltoo
- ephemeral key chiave effimera
- ERC-2981 NFT Royalty Standard
- Erlay
- EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine)
- ExtraNonce
- Faucet
- Federated Blockchain
- Fedimint
- fee bumping
- Fee sniping
- FIBRE (Fast Internet Bitcoin Relay Engine)
- Flash loan
- FPPS (Full Pay Per Share)
- FROST (Flexible Round-Optimized Schnorr Threshold) Soglia di Schnorr Ottimizzata per Round Flessibili
- Genesis block Blocco Genesis
- Gossip protocol
- Hardened derivation
- Hierarchical channel
- hodl invoice
- HTLC (Hash Timelock Contracts)
- HWI (Hardware wallet interface)
- I2P (Invisible Internet Project)
- Inbound Liquidity
- Inbound routing fees
- Inscription
- JIT-Routing (Just in Time Routing)
- justice transaction
- key path
- KeySpend
- lamport signatures
- lattice reticolo
- lattice-based attack attacco basato sui reticoli
- Liquid Network
- Liquid Network AMP (Asset Management Platform)
- LN Routing (Lightning Network Routing)
- locking script
- LSAT (Lightning Service Authentication Token)
- LSP (Lightning Service Provider) Fornitore di servizi Lightning
- macaroons
- MAST (Merklized Abstract Syntax Tree)
- Master fingerprint
- Master key
- mempool sniping
- mempoolminfee
- Merkle tree
- Merkle-Sum Tree
- MEV (Miner extractable value)
- Miniscript
- minRelayTxFee
- minTxFee
- Mixing Service
- MPC (Multi-Party Computation)
- MPP (Multi-Path Payment)
- MS-SMT (Merkle-Sum Sparse Merkle tree)
- MuSig
- NFC Unicode (Normalization Form C) Forma di normalizzazione C di Unicode
- NFKD (Normalization Form Compatibility Decomposition) Forma di Normalizzazione con Decomposizione di Compatibilità Unicode
- nLockTime
- Nonce
- onion routing
- Opcode
- Optimistic Rollup
- Ordinal
- Outbound Liquidity
- Output Descriptor
- Output linking
- Output script descriptors
- P2A (Pay To Anchor)
- P2C (Pay-to-Contract)
- P2EP (Pay-to-Endpoint)
- P2PK (Pay-to-Public-Key)
- P2PKH (Pay-to-Public-Key-Hash)
- P2TR (Pay to Taproot)
- P2WPKH (Pay-to-Witness-Public-Key-Hash)
- P2WSH (Pay-to-Witness-Script-Hash)
- Package relay
- pathfinding
- PayJoin
- PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2)
- penalty transaction
- Pickhardt Payments
- PoA (Proof-of-Authority)
- PoB (Proof-of-Burn)
- PoC (Proof-of-Coverage)
- pocket universe
- PoD (Proof-of-Developer)
- PoET (Proof of Elapsed Time) Prova del tempo trascorso
- Poisson process processo di Poisson
- PoSpace (Proof-of-Space)
- PoST (Proof-of-Spacetime)
- PoT (Proof-of-Trust)
- PPLNS (Pay-Per-Last-N-Shares)
- ppm (parts per million) parti per milione
- PPS (Pay-Per-Share)
- preimage
- Pruned node
- PSBT (Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction) Transazione Bitcoin parzialmente firmata
- PSBTv2
- PTLC (Point Time Locked Contracts)
- Puell Multiple
- Race Attack
- Raiden Network
- Redeem Script
- regtest
- relay network
- Replacement cycling vulnerability
- Reproducible Riproducibile
- ring of fire
- Rollup
- Route blinding
- Routing Instradamento
- Runes
- Schnorr signatures
- Script
- script path
- scriptless multisignature
- ScriptPubKey
- ScriptSpend
- SEC Format
- Secp256k1
- segnet
- Seigniorage Signoraggio
- Selfish Mining
- Shamir backup
- Sharding
- Sighash flag
- sigop (signature operation)
- silent address
- silent payments
- Simplicity
- Sparse Merkle tree
- SPHINX Mix Format
- splicing
- SPV (Simplified Payment Verification) Verifica semplificata dei pagamenti
- SSS (Shamir's Secret Sharing)
- Stacks
- Stamps
- Stateless invoice
- Stratum
- Submarine Swap
- Sybil attack Attacco di Sybil
- Tangle
- TAP (Taproot Assets Protocol)
- Tapscript
- taptweak
- Target hash
- taro (Taproot Asset Representation Overlay)
- Timelock/Locktime
- timewarp
- trampoline
- Transaction Malleability Malleabilità della transazione
- Transaction pinning
- Transaction replacement Sostituzione della transazione
- Transaction Weight Peso della transazione
- TRUC (Topologically Restricted Until Confirmation)
- Turing-Complete Turing completo
- txid (Transaction ID) identificativo della transazione
- Unicode
- unlocking script
- URSF (User Rejected Soft Forks)
- UTF-8
- vault
- vByte
- VM (Virtual Machine) macchina virtuale
- vsize (Virtual size)
- Watchtower
- Web3
- weight unit
- witness
- Wrapped SegWit
- wtxid
- wumbo channel
- ypub
- Zero Base Fee
- ZeroMQ
- ZK (Zero-Knowledge Proofs) Prova a conoscenza zero
- Zk-Rollup
- Zk-Snarks (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge)
- ZKCP (Zero-Knowledge Contingent Payment)
- zpub